Young ICCA Skills Training Workshop: How To Develop A Successful Career In International Arbitration and Practical Considerations For Drafting Arbitration Clauses
29 August 201808:30 - 12:30(EAT)
Addis Ababa
The workshop took place at the law firm of Tameru Wondem Agegnehu Law Office in Cooperation with Bonellierede, METI Office Park, Bole Woreda, 3 Bdg No 4/10, 2nd Floor, Office No.201, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 8:30am to 12:30pm.
There were two panels, focusing on providing practical tips on How To Develop A Successful Career In International Arbitration, and guidance on Practical Considerations For Drafting Arbitration Clauses respectively.
- Elizabeth Oger-Gross (White & Case)
- Bahakal Abate (Amman Assefa & Associates Law Office)
- Thomas Snider (Al Tamimi & Co.)
- Leyou Tameru (I-Arb Africa)
- Yared Getachew (Mehrteab Leul & Associates Law Office)