Young ICCA Skills Training Workshop – Cross-Examination of Experts

12 March 202514:00 - 21:30(UTC-03)
São Paulo
BMA São Paulo
Venue address:
Av. Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek, 1.455, 10th floor, Itaim Bibi

Join us in São Paulo on 12 March 2025 for a Skills Training Workshop on Cross-Examination of Experts. 

Cross-examination is one of the most difficult skills for young practitioners to develop. This in-person workshop provides an opportunity to learn from both legal practitioners as well as damage experts involved in international arbitration, as well as conduct mock cross-examinations with leading experts before a live tribunal and receive feedback.


Participants will be arranged into teams to analyse mock damages expert reports and prepare cross-examination outlines. On the day of the workshop, the event will begin with a one-hour+ panel from leading practitioners followed by another one-hour+ panel from leading experts providing guidance on how to conduct and perform an effective cross-examination. Counsel teams will then have an opportunity to cross-examine the opposing side’s experts before a live tribunal and receive live feedback. 


Programme schedule:


2:00 – 2:10 PM - Introductory Remarks on Young ICCA (Gustavo Kulesza, BMA)

2:10 – 3:25 PM -  “How to conduct an effective cross-examination” (speakers: André Abbud (BMA), Julie Bédard (Skadden) [pending confirmation], Eduardo Damião Gonçalves (Mattos Filho), Mayra Bryce (Payet Rey Cauvi Pérez); Moderator: Gustavo Kulesza (BMA))

3:25 – 4:40 PM – “How to perform - and survive! - a cross-examination” (speakers: Daniela Bambaci (BRG), Leonardo Florencio (FTI), Mark Beberian (Analysis Group), Gustavo Galizzi (Alvarez & Marsal) [pending confirmation], Moderator: Santiago Gatica (Freshfields)

4:40 – 5:10 PM – Coffee Break 

5:10 – 7:00 PM – Workshop (cross-examinations & closing arguments, feedback from tribunals)

7:00 – 9:30 PM – Cocktail reception




Please note that, due to its format, the workshop will be held in person and will have limited spots available. The first round of applications will be open until 5 February 2025. Participants will be informed of their acceptance by 12 February 2025.