Young ICCA Scholarships for the 2024 Certificate in International Commercial and Investment Arbitration

The Young ICCA Scholarships by Chiomenti, Chaffetz Lindsey and MCL Arbitration

Young ICCA is pleased to offer three scholarships, granted by Chiomenti, Chaffetz Lindsey, and MCL Arbitration, for its members to participate in the eleventh edition of the Certificate in International Commercial and Investment Arbitration. The programme is organised by Università degli studi Roma Tre and Associazione Italiana per l'Arbitrato - AIA, supported by Camera Arbitrale di Milano, ICC Arbitration, and ICC Italia, and held under the auspices of the Roma Tre - UNIDROIT Centre for Transnational Commercial Law and International Arbitration. Each scholarship is valued € 1500, and will allow recipients the opportunity to participate in the programme for free by covering the full registration fee (€ 950 for practitioners, and € 800 for students) and provide limited additional funding, to facilitate the recipients’ travel arrangements. 


The three scholarships (‘Young ICCA – Chiomenti’, ‘Young ICCA – Chaffetz Lindsey’, and ‘Young ICCA – MCL Arbitration’ Scholarships) are intended to establish a lasting cooperation between Young ICCA and the Certificate. Young ICCA, together with Chiomenti, Chaffetz Lindsey, and MCL Arbitration, will renew the Scholarships for the next two editions of the programme.


The in-person programme will take place from 23 to 27 September 2024 at Roma Tre University in Rome. Led by academics, in-house counsel and practitioners, the Certificate spans five days of engaging sessions and practical roundtables on international commercial and investment arbitration. The programme also includes participation in the Roma Tre University - UNIDROIT Annual International Arbitration Lecture, delivered by Mohamed Abdel Wahab, Professor of International Arbitration at Cairo University and Founding Partner at Zulficar & Partners Law Firm, as well as ICCA Governing Board Member.


For more details about the Certificate and to view a brochure, click here.


Key submission requirements: 

For each candidate, a single application will suffice to be considered for all three Scholarships. To apply, Young ICCA members must submit (in the form of a single PDF): 


  • a letter of motivation expressing their interest in participating in the Certificate, including a description of their arbitration experience (maximum 400 words); and 
  • a resume or CV. 


In granting the Scholarships, priority will be given to candidates from historically disadvantaged or underrepresented (minority) groups, including in relation to age, colour, disability, ethnicity, gender, indigenous origin, race, religion, sexual orientation or socioeconomic status.


The applications should be sent in a single PDF via email to by 30 August 2024.


Young ICCA members also enjoy a 20% reduction on registration fees as a Media Partner of the Certificate; to claim the discount, please select ‘Young ICCA’ in the 'Media partner membership' section of the registration form (accessible here).