Young ICCA Co-chair Candidates Announced

Current Young ICCA Co-chair Shirin Gurdova is approaching the end of her two-year term. This means the time has come to elect a new Co-chair. We have two excellent candidates lined up to take over the role and we leave the final selection down to the Young ICCA Members.

The candidate who receives the most votes in the upcoming elections will replace Shirin in October 2024 and serve a two-year term as one of the three Young ICCA Co-chairs.

Candidates Paul Kleist and Gustavo Kulesza have already outlined their plans for the role should they be selected, details of which are included in their completed Young ICCA Proust questionnaires to help you make your choice.


Meet the Candidates


PaulPaul Kleist 


Age: 37 


Hometown: Pittsburgh, USA 


Current City: London


Click here to view Paul's Proust Questionnaire. (PDF)




Gustavo Santos Kulesza


Age: 38


Hometown: São Paulo, Brazil


Current City: São Paulo, Brazil


Click here to view Gustavo's Proust Questionnaire. (PDF)


Voting process

All current Young ICCA Members will receive a voting email on Wednesday 11 September 2024 and will be able to cast their vote from 11 September 2024 until 11:59 pm (CEST) on 2 October 2024. If you are a Young ICCA Member and do not receive a voting email, we kindly ask you to check that the email has not gone to your junk mail. If you are still unable to locate your invitation to vote, please contact the Young ICCA Bureau (

Please note: Only current Young ICCA Members are eligible to vote (i.e. you will not be eligible to vote if you have a pending Young ICCA membership application) and each member may only vote once. Once your vote is submitted it cannot be changed or revoked.